Create & edit Data Service

Only users with Manage/Edit permission can create & edit the Data Service.

Create a Data Service

To create a Data Service, follow these steps:

  1. In your Recurve project, go to Data Service.

  2. Click on the + icon and select Create data service.

  3. Provide the name for your Data Service.

  4. Click Create.

Define SQL query

  1. Click Edit query to define/ edit SQL query of the Data Service.

  2. In the query editor, define connection for your Data Service.

  3. Input your SQL query.

When SQL contains field aliases, please add "AS" explicitly and the corresponding identifier for the different databases, and avoid SELECT *syntax

For example:

SELECT AS order_id, AS customer_name,
    database_name.table_name o
    database_name.table_name c ON o.customer =
    o.order_status = 'completed';
  1. Click Update > Save to confirm the changes.

  2. View the query output in the Data Preview tab.

Organize Data Services

To create a new folder, click on the action button of an existing folder and select Add sub-folder:

To move a Data Service into the new folder, click on the action button of the Data Service and select Move to. Then select the target folder from the list.

Last updated