Access control
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Last updated
Navigate to the Data Service you want to share.
Click the Share button in the utility bar.
View the list of users with access and their roles:
Administrators: Can manage all assets and users.
Developers: Can edit data services.
Viewers: Can view and download data.
Guests: External users with view-only access to specific assets that they have been granted.
Project Members will have their default access to the data service based on their role in the project (e.g., Administrators can manage, Developers can edit, Viewers can view).
These default access levels cannot be modified in the data service sharing settings. To change a user’s role, update their role in the Project settings.
In the Share popup, click the search bar.
Search for users by name or email.
Select a user to grant "Can View" access.
The user will be added to the parental project as a Guest.
If you can not find users, please check to ensure they are members of the current organization in the Organization settings.
In the Share popup, locate the user you want to remove.
Click Remove next to their name to revoke access.