Data preview & download
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Last updated
You, as an editor, can configure the field's properties in menu action when click on column header:
Edit description: Add/ edit description to provide context or notes to the field (optional).
Description can be viewed by hovering tip icon next to field name.
Edit field alias: Add/ edit alias to the field (optional). If no alias is added, header (field name) will be shown as-is (extracted from query).
Click the X icon on the right side of the text to revert to the original field name.
You can filter and sort data in the Data Service preview to conduct analysis, focus on specific details, or refine your data view.
Click Filter at the top of the preview table.
You can add multiple filter conditions.
Select a field (e.g., Customer, OrderID, Revenue, Date).
Choose an operator, available options based on data type of the field (see table below).
Enter the filter value.
Not equal
Greater than
Greater than or equal to
Less than
Less than or equal to
Not contains
Time range
Click the X icon on the right side of the filter condition to delete it.
You can choose whether Any or All needs to be met.
Click Confirm to apply filter conditions.
Click Filter at the top of the preview table.
You can add multiple sort conditions.
Select a field to sort.
Choose the sort method (Ascending or Descending).
Click the X icon on the right side of the sort condition to delete it.
Click Confirm to apply sort conditions.
You can click Refresh at the top right corner of the data preview table to extract latest data.
Clicking the Refresh button triggers to get the latest data based on current sort/ filter conditions that being applied, but takes no effect on reset or changing those configurations.
Click the Download button at the top of the data preview table.
You can rename the download file (optional). By default, file name is the Data Service's name.
Select file format (Excel or CSV).
Click Download.
Check download task in your browser.
Field alias, filter and sort conditions will take effect on your download file.
Total row number of your download file should not exceed 500,000 rows.